Heading Off to the New Year

Studying, researching, getting US VISA and organizing local game devs 6th anniversary meetup.

Every last working day of the current month I publish a report reflecting on the previous month. These reflections exist to demonstrate my progress, share my experiences and help transfer what I learn to others.

The Past Month

Studying, researching, getting US VISA and organizing local game devs 6th anniversary meetup.

Against Sahara – Current Status

I decided to turn Against Sahara into a physical tabletop card game instead of digital, and now preparing a clean prototype to pitch to a tabletop games publisher.

Study & Research

I’ve been reading indie game postmortems while focusing on first timers, to avoid their mistakes, and completed the UE4 udemy course How To Develop Your First Two Games, which I highly recommend for anyone starting out UE4.

Recommended YouTube channels (in no particular order):

Atmos Games

Ask GameDev

Game Maker’s Toolkit

Extra Credits

Matthew Palaje (UE4)


After going thru the hell that is the US VISA application, my visa was thankfully approved.

So, it’s final, if God wills I’m heading off to USA next March and participating in Train Jam and GDC 2019!.

Local Game Devs Community’s 6th Anniversary

To commemorate 6 years of community, I decided to do a 6th year special event where we celebrate where we’ve come, and reflect on how we’re currently doing to improve going forward.

Agenda included: cake, 6 years of photos and videos and a discussion of problems to solve for next year.

I ran a survey prior to the meetup asking for feedback about the community, you can read the summary results here by clicking here.

What’s Next: Getting Published

Now that I’ve learned all I can from others at this point; and feel confident about my current skill sets; going forward I will be focusing entirely on Against Sahara and getting it published.

One advice that successful indies keep repeating is to get published, at least for our first couple of games.

The idea is when we’re first starting our fan base is non-existent, which makes having a commercial success extremely difficult to achieve.

Other than helping us stand out, a good publisher would also teach us the ropes and help us up our game.

Just be careful of which publisher to partner with, and do your research about them.

This ends this month’s report, hope you enjoyed and if you have any feedback please comment below 🙂 .

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