Getting Ready!
Every last working day of the current month I publish a report reflecting on the previous month. These reflections exist to demonstrate my progress, share my experiences and help transfer what I learn to others.
The Past Month
Scheduling GDC & setting up meetings, redefining my brand and dealing with a health issue.
Against Sahara – Current Status
I’ve postponed further work on Against Sahara this month as I get ready for GDC.
Planning My First GDC
What I wish to accomplish during this trip is:
- Network with other indies and start dialog for collaboration between Bahraini indies and indies from other nations.
- Determine publisher interests in our region and establish connections with indie-friendly publishers.
- Level up my game dev skills through hands-on workshops at GDC.
- (Potentially) find a mentor that can help me grow faster and steer me in the right direction.
- Network with other community organizers, especially from emerging markets that share our struggles, to start collaborating and sharing knowledge on what works and what doesn’t to help each other build our local game industries.
I have been in contact with several people to meet up there, and also planning to attend a couple of round tables to meet indies from developing countries.
Focusing Z’s Laboratories Brand
Chose sky blue and dark grey as the main brand colors, with orange as an accent color. These colors meant to give the image of freedom, trust, practicality and creativity. Along with the recoloring, I redesigned my business cards to better represent what I do.
Old design New design
Something that people seem to do at GDC is write notes on people’s business card about who they were and what they talked about to remember them (since they’ll be meeting hundreds there!) which drove me to make a simple back without clutter and the sky blue color instead of dark grey so they can write on it.
Taking Care of my Health
I haven’t been able to do much the past month while going back and forth to the doctor’s with a problem in my left ear, but thank God it’s healing and is due course to (hopefully) be cured before my trip.
What’s Next: Train Jamming & GDC!
Next week is my trip-of-a-lifetime and will be my whole focus to take advantage of it as much as possible.
I will document the events with as much detail as possible to help those who couldn’t go to benefit as well. Follow me on Instagram @ZsLaboratories to watch my stories of the events!.
This ends this month’s report, hope you enjoyed and if you have any feedback please comment below 🙂 .