Instead of giving up, how about fixing it?

When faced with a scary problem, most people seem to prefer to either pretend nothing is wrong, or wait it out and hope it’ll get better by itself..

And that’s understandable, after all standing still is a lot easier than walking through mud in the dark.

If you ever get such a problem, and you most likely will or have already, try to be honest with your self and what you can and can’t do, and just give yourself permission to fail.

Break down the problem to its core and work with a simple solution as a start.

So next time you have an argument with your spouse, or face unusual thoughts or feelings, or anything that you know won’t go away by itself but need it to go away, then think of what’s scaring you. Find the root of the problem without letting your ego get in the way, ask for advise from people you trust if you need to, and just take it step by step.


Be patient, the more complicated the problem the more time it’ll take to fix, so take it as an investment for a better future.


Till next time ☺ peace ✌?



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